Tournament Director Forms and Information

Links Visit our Calendar of Events for Qualifier and Bid Listings 2023-25 Domestic Competition Regulations Indoor Scoring Materials Scoring Materials Gender Competition Guidelines USAV Event Code of Conduct 2024-25 Junior Age Definition (PDF) – 6/17/24 2024-25 Junior Age Definition (PDF) (chart only) – 6/17/24 HIROS Documents HIROS Report Form HIROS Sample Wording Foreign Teams* 2024-25...

Bid Documents

2025-28 Event Medical Services Request for Proposal (PDF) Boys Junior National Championships 2021-2024 BJNC Bid Manual BJNC Bid Application 2021-2024 BJNC Hotel Room Block RFP- TTS Girls Junior National Championships 2021-2024 GJNC Bid Manual GJNC Bid Application 2021-2024 GJNC Hotel Room Block RFP – TTS Girls 18s Junior National Championships 2020-2024 18s GJNC Bid Manual 18s...

Gender Competition Guidelines (2024-25 Season)

The vast majority of athletes are expected to compete as a member of the gender assigned at the time of birth on their birth certificate. The goal of these USA Volleyball (USAV) Gender Competition Guidelines is to permit athletes to compete in the gender with which they identify, while maintaining competitive equity. The athlete’s gender...

Basic Page

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