Nine Assumptions to Avoid for a More Equitable Team Environment

As a coach, your teams almost certainly contain a diverse multitude of athletes with different life experiences, and assumptions about them can be dangerous. Here are tips for acknowledging your current assumptions and create a more equitable team environment.

College Recruitment Timeline

The college recruiting process is an exciting time for all young athletes, but it can also be confusing. Understanding the deadlines for each division and discipline will give you the tools to make the most of it.

College Recruiting and Club Tournaments

The college recruiting process is an exciting time for all young athletes, but it can also be confusing. Understanding the deadlines for each division and discipline will give you the tools to make the most of it.

Why Coaches Should Prioritize Their Own Mental Wellness Too

It is easy for coaches to put aside their wellness during a season, but they shouldn’t. In fact, addressing their own mental health and wellness may make them a more successful coach and create a more cohesive team.

Notes from the U.S. and Netherlands

I spent Memorial Day flying back from Amsterdam, 24 hours in en route, leaving a place where the Dutch Underground were battling in World War II three-quarters of a century before me.

Six Ways To Reduce Anxiety During Tough Transitions

Young athletes face tough transitions on a regular basis. Whether it’s something big, like a move to a new school, or just the start of a season with a new coach, these transitions can be significant sources of anxiety. But, there are ways to navigate these challenging times.

Nine Easy Ways to Prevent Cliques on Teams

When it comes to preventing cliques and bullying behaviors, it’s best to be proactive. Coaches who focus on building strong team-wide relationships from the first day of practice are less likely to run into the social problems, like cliques, that hurt teams and players.

Creating an Inclusive Volleyball Culture

Volleyball is a sport of acceptance. For LGBTQ youth, finding acceptance on a team can be life changing, if not lifesaving. These tips will help you create a culture of inclusion with your teammates and in your program.

Five Tips for Hosting a USAV Tournament

A well-run tournament is a work of art. Like a work of art, it takes months and months of planning for an event to shine. Here are five tips to make your tournaments run more smoothly and successfully.

How to Spot the Warning Signs of Hazing

Hazing is not uncommon as a way to “initiate” new players to a team. These acts are humiliating, intimidating, demeaning and dangerous. Here are signs of hazing that you should watch out for and ways you can help your athlete should they be hazed by teammates.