John Kessel: Never Be a Child’s Last Coach

There are many ways to define success for a volleyball coach.

10 Ways To Become a Better Setter

2012 Olympic silver medalist Lindsey Berg shares important points on being the best you can be.

Injury Prevention Through Reading

Volleyball is a unique sport in that it’s both cyclic and acyclic in nature. Skills such as digging are totally random movements (acyclic). These two types of movements offer unique challenges in the prevention of injury to the volleyball player.

How To Build a Beach Court

Beach volleyball competitions can be held on a natural beach so long as the beach is level and the sand is at least nine inches deep and free from rocks, gravel and other hazardous objects. 

Beat the heat: Six pro beach volleyball players give their tips

Hydration starts before you head out into the sun and continues after

It’s not About Right or Wrong; It’s About Efficiency in Learning

It’s not about wrong or right, but about what is more effective. It’s not criticism when science guides us to more effective ways to learn, it is information, which sadly many traditional coaches chose to ignore. As the great William Penn said, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

Playing the REAL Game

If there was one thing I would ask clubs and schools to change, it is to play far less 6 v 6 at younger ages, if any at all, where all but one of the kids stands around and watches the ball. For ALL ages, play much more 1v1/2v0/1v1+1/2v2, and reserve 6 v 6 for older players. It really is that simple.

It’s Not about Right or Wrong

It’s not about wrong or right, but about what is more effective. It’s not criticism when science guides us to more effective ways to learn, it is information, which sadly many traditional coaches chose to ignore.

Seven Foam rolling exercises

USAV Beach National Team athlete Emily Day gives tips on foam rolling exercises.

Lessons Learned from a Pirates Think Tank

There is a small market pro baseball team working hard to get their players “Ready at 7.” This is the time of most single, regular-season games, and the maximum number of games in the World Series. They are also challenging their sport’s traditions in the areas of learning.