Why and How Athletes Should Set Non-Sport Goals

Setting goals outside of sport is important because we want young athletes to not over-identify as athletes, or put too much emphasis into a sport. Learn more about how to help your child set goals that don’t involve the volleyball court.

What NOT to Do When Helping Athletes Develop Positive Body Image

It can be difficult to know what to do—and what not to do—to best help athletes with issues around body image. This is especially true when even seemingly innocuous comments can lead to issues with negative body image.

Are There Benefits to Drinking Enriched Water?

Alkaline water, mineral water, carbonated water, coconut water: There are so many different water options available that it can feel a bit overwhelming at the grocery store. Which one will serve your athlete best, or is plain old tap water the optimal solution?

Five Things to Know About the June 15 Recruiting Date

June 15 is the initial contact date for volleyball college coaches at the NCAA Division I and Division II  levels to reach out to rising juniors. Once this date hits, more direct communication can begin between college coaches and the student-athletes. What does that mean? We’ll go through five things to know about June 15.

The Ins and Outs of Camps, Combines and Other Summer Events

Every year, student-athletes participate in summer camps, combines, tournaments and showcases to sharpen their skills and gain exposure to college coaches. College coaches value the opportunity to evaluate a player multiple times on video as well as in person. Attending these types of events can be a crucial step in your recruiting process, but they can be costly and time consuming, so make them worth your while.

How Parents Can Manage their Own Sport Anxiety

Nervous for your child’s matches? That’s natural, but it may also be affecting your young athlete, too. Here are ways parents can alleviate their own stress during competition.

College Recruitment Timeline

The college recruiting process is an exciting time for all young athletes, but it can also be confusing. Understanding the deadlines for each division and discipline will give you the tools to make the most of it.

College Recruiting and Club Tournaments

The college recruiting process is an exciting time for all young athletes, but it can also be confusing. Understanding the deadlines for each division and discipline will give you the tools to make the most of it.

Six Ways To Reduce Anxiety During Tough Transitions

Young athletes face tough transitions on a regular basis. Whether it’s something big, like a move to a new school, or just the start of a season with a new coach, these transitions can be significant sources of anxiety. But, there are ways to navigate these challenging times.

How to Spot the Warning Signs of Hazing

Hazing is not uncommon as a way to “initiate” new players to a team. These acts are humiliating, intimidating, demeaning and dangerous. Here are signs of hazing that you should watch out for and ways you can help your athlete should they be hazed by teammates.