One Size Does NOT Fit All

Misguided views on how female volleyball players should look and what they should weigh are an ongoing problem in our sport.

Five Ways to Hone Skills Over the Summer

Summer is a great time for athletes to unwind from a long season, but it’s also an opportunity for them to improve their games in a relaxed environment. You can help foster that improvement by following these suggestions.

From Off-Court Activities to On-Court Success

Team chemistry is crucial to a successful season. Here are a few ideas on how to foster that team cohesion.

How To Make Drills That Work

You, the coach, have to design the drills that are going to help your team reach its potential. So let’s take a look at some of the things that will help you to make drills that work for your team.

Teach Novice Players the Love of Volleyball

John Kessel shares ideas on how to teach the joy of volleyball before teaching the skills.

Defense is More Than Just Another Team System

Every player on the court must have a strong grasp of what defense is and be heavily involved in its execution. 

Take a Lap: Alternatives to Exercise as Punishment in Youth Sports

Exercise has been used as punishment in the past, but there’s ways to prove a point other than forced physical exertion.

Up in Smoke: The Dangers of Vaping

Vaping is thought to be safer than smoking cigarettes, but it is actually harmful to a young athlete’s training and long-term health.

A Thank-you Letter to My 13U Teams

John Kessel sends his 13U team members on their way with ideas to hone their skills over the summer.

Helping Your Multisport Athlete Navigate Seasons

Playing more than one sport is great for an athlete’s well-being. Here’s how you can be a supportive coach as they transition between sports.