Coaching the Human Animal

An advance heads up to start this blog, it is going to cost you the price of buying a movie, which you likely have not seen and which has become one of my favorite movies ever – documentary really – as it teaches huge lessons to all those wanting to be a better coach, teacher, or…

Cameras, Athletes and Role Modeling

Some of you may know that during my time at Colorado College and after, I worked as a summer hiking guide, did winter ascents, and Outward Bound courses, river rafting thru the Gates of the Ladore.

Videos and Principles Worth Many Thousands of Words

If a picture is worth a thousand words, those who have heard me speak know that I love to use video and images to say far more, during the always too short time I find I have to…

The Rare Find

I just finished one of those books that I feel all readers of this Growing the Game Together blog should also take the time to read. Then re-read. Long ago, then US Olympic team coach Terry Liskevych, told me of a study on talent, done with the National Football League general managers at that time. As I recall it now, they were asked what was the one thing an NFL team needed to win the Super Bowl. Since I work to teach socratically, I then ask coaches what they think the NFL GMs said. Answers such as “Communication…” and “Teamwork…” and many others pour in, but what over 25 of the 32 NFL GMs said was “Talent.”

STOP Teaching Setting

After the dialogue from my blog called “Stop Teaching Passing” – I felt as this junior season starts up that it is important to give all you teachers of the game a few more titles to chew on.

Random Observations on Coaches…

I have observed thousands of coaches presenting skill and drill ideas to others – both players and coaches – in the last 40 years of my coaching career, and have come to some observations to consider.

Time to Close the Serving Gap

Serving is a skill that young players need to spend more time practicing

The Game Teaches The Game

From Karch Kiraly’s Volleyblog, addressing important learning principles.

Bionic Warriors and Heroes

This week begins one of the more special annual events held at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, the Wounded Warrior Games.

STOP Teaching Passing!

No matter where I go in the world to teach, the traditional coaches mantra of “Can’t pass, can’t hit” is one of the first statements I hear in any language.