LIMIT Your Coaching…

As I have found, some of the coaches most needing to read the science and ideas in this blog are simply not reading the ideas in their entirety.

Give the Boys a Chance

I simply would like to ask everyone reading this blog to share, as I am about to, their best practices, other sport successes and brainstorming thoughts on how to give boys 5-18 years old a chance to make volleyball their sport for a lifetime.

Creating a Low Cost Volleyball

OK Volleyball Thinkers. I need some help in creating a ball for young kids. About 20 years ago I created a “balloon ball”

Leave a Ball Behind II

Over a decade ago, I created a program with USA Volleyball, our regions and our amazing clubs to donate just one of their used volleyballs at the end of their seasons, to give away to other programs around the world that are less fortunate.

STOP Teaching Technique

… and start working much more on improving what you can control as a coach to increase your players learning of volleyball skills.

Five Keys to Better Serving

Players and coaches share their serving secrets.

STOP Doing Drills

Okay, this version of my STOP series is likely to be a tough one for many coaches, but its truth is well founded in science, just not implemented well in our teaching practices. I just watched perhaps my 2,000th “drill” on YouTube, as I seek to find any new ideas that others have created to help us grow and develop our sport.

Never Let Someone Steal YOUR Confidence

Over the weekend I got an email from a coach/friend from another country, with the subject line “Needing Advice” – In short, his daughter’s team won every game/set she got to play in, and lost every one she did not, yet the coach played her less as the tournament went on.

My Favorite Coach

“She understands that it is even when a paycheck is included, that it is more than just winning games that she is doing with her players, and focuses on team building through off court activities.”

STOP Cutting Players

We are back with another one of our STOP series, in this case a look at a practice that I hope can be changed in creative ways, to allow many more kids the chance to make volleyball their sport. This challenge to create programming that gives everyone wanting a chance to play the game, comes simply from the core of Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) – to keep as many athletes playing a sport as long as possible.