Volleyball After High School

Many younger players might not know of the myriad ways to get even better at volleyball while also helping grow the game.

Growing Kids’ Volleyball

This year marks my 40th year of coaching youth volleyball, which I define as 12 and under. The last few years I have seen growth in this area, but far too much of it simply is adults coaching the adult 6 vs 6 game to little kids.

STOP Teaching Robots

Watching some 80 year old players at the US Open and seeing their joy for a sport of a lifetime has me wondering why any kid in the last few decades stops playing.

I am a Teacher of Athletes

This month some kid I know really well has his senior year athlete banquet. I was looking at the Princeton website, and at the top of the athletic department’s home page was a quote I had never heard that impacted me.

To Become A Skillful Spiker

Sharing the science and my thoughts based on motor learning as to it relates to most machines

Five Ways to Be a Better Teammate

Professionals give tips on how you can be a better teammate

You are Paying for Practice, Not Playing

So the glow of your child being chosen to play for a club, perhaps even the experience of having to choose between multiple clubs and not cut, has faded. In the heart of the season, coaches begin making decisions on playing time based on what they have seen in practices and tournaments.

Five Keys to Scouting Your Opponent

Tips on scouting your opponents from coaches and volleyball professionals

10 Keys to Middle Blocking

Three-time Olympian Heather Bown gives tips on middle blocking.

Standing in Line

Despite IMPACT, CAP, VCT, and all that we know about teaching in a way that kids learn to love sport, coaches still don’t know that learning is done by doing, and not by watching.