Opportunity is Nowhere

This is one of my favorite “words” ever, and given the economic situation impacting us all, leads us into the reason for this grow the game set of options – for I see things as now here, never nowhere.


What do Tori Amos, Smashing Pumpkins, Dixie Chicks, The Dance, and Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac all have in common? Whether acapella, acoustic guitar, solo piano, or more

More Volleyball From Vanuatu

Espiritu Santo…Wrecks to Rainforest — Vanuatu, Discover untouched seclusion and beauty…that is what Carte de Luganville – the map of this town says.

Beachroots Volleyball in Vanuatu

I have come back to where my grandfather, father and a guy named James Michener once travelled and worked.

Volleyball and Fly Fishing

I got a new Orvis Helios 3wt recently. Made from the same carbon fiber they use on the Apache helicopters, it is feather light at 1.75 ounces total, and strong as heck, for casting into the afternoon winds along my favorite little streams.

Father’s Day and Volleyball

My father was my role model in countless ways, and I have done my best raising my kids as a single dad to follow in his World War II veteran footsteps.

Tennis Anyone?

Warming up on the beach with your partner has two very powerful messages that indoor players and coaches need to listen to so that more kids find success earlier in the challenges of our sport.

The Talent Code – Deep Practice, Ignition and Master Coaching

Sorry for the long break in postings – with two kids in teen sports (volleyball and lacrosse) both in state playoffs and finals almost upon us…

TED March Teaching Madness

Technology Education Design posted some very important clips this month, which I feel every leader growing our sport must view, to be both a better teacher, and to give you more energy to do the wonderful things each of you are doing in that task.

Appropriate Coaching

Appropriate coaching is an important part of being a good coach. Some thoughts about the use of running and other physical punishment follow.