How to Motivate Mentally Well Athletes

Motivating athletes on your team is an important part of coaching. And providing motivation while protecting mental wellness can be challenging. You can make simple shifts to your coaching style and language to provide motivation without compromising mental wellness.

What Can Coaches Do to Reduce Resistance and Build Buy-in

Coaches are often faced with implementing strategic decisions and making tough calls. And just as often, the athletes on your team may resist those decisions or the changes that you’re trying to make. Getting buy-in from athletes isn’t always easy, but it is often critical to the team’s success and your relationship with players.

Tired of Fighting About Sports? Here’s How to Do Conflict Better

If you often find yourself having arguments with your athlete about things like getting to practice on time, an unfair coach or referee, or what your athlete could have done better after a bad game, there are some simple ways to improve your style when it comes to dealing with conflict.

How to Bring Budget-Friendly Snacks for the Team

In youth sports, parents and caregivers are often tasked with providing team snacks for everyone at least once during the season. Deciding what to bring can be stressful—and it can be expensive, depending on what you choose!

How to Help Your Athlete After a Bad Game

If your athlete has a bad competition, game or practice, it can lead to a tense car ride home. Often, caregivers are well-meaning in their efforts to soothe grumpy athletes with advice and reassurances. Unfortunately, we often end up creating a more stressful, angst-filled situation in our attempts to help our athletes.