Dining In: Smart Swaps for Healthy Choices

Better manage nutrients by cooking at home; these tips will help.

Officials Hand Signals for Indoor

A guide to officials hand signals for the indoor game

How to Persevere as a Team

While individual athletes might know how to persevere while pursuing their goals, it can be tough for a coach to bring those lessons to a whole team.

Mineral Makeover: Got Calcium?

For your best athletic performance – and for strong bones later in life – it’s important to keep calcium in the body. But how much should you consume, and what are some of the best sources – besides dairy?

Why the Way You Praise Matters

Whether you’re a coach or parent to a young athlete, the way that you praise them after a competition can have a deep impact. Wade Gilbert, PhD, a professor at California State University in Fresno and a Team USA Coaching Consultant, has some advice on how to praise your athlete in a way that will…

SafeSport for 17- and 18-year-olds

SafeSport training can give your athlete valuable, real-world training to help them be more “aware,” both on and off the court. Moreover, there are requirements in place for 18-year-old athletes to take SafeSport training.

Lights Out: Sleep is Key to Optimal Performance

Good, consistent sleep is crucial for an athlete’s recovery. Here’s a few tips on how to catch all those important Zs!

What To Do When Your Child Wants to Take a Break

It’s easy to start panicking when your child asks to try something different, but working with them will help them come back happier.

Strength and Conditioning in Volleyball

In this CAP II article, volleyball coach and certified fitness trainer Dolores Gurule’ de Duran talks about the importance of strength and conditioning for players.

Recipes for Performance: Fruit Smoothie

Fruit smoothies pack in carbohydrates and between 15g and 20g of protein per 16-oz serving, which are critical for sport performance. Check out TrueSport’s recipe.